Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Gas Sensor

Ozone O3 Sensor

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key sensor features
no pc required for the ServersCheck to operate once configured - measures hydrogen sulfide gas concentrations up to 100ppm
- resolution: 1 ppm
- lab tested against calibrated reference gas
- 2 year life span

- additional sensors available for 20+ other gas types

- compact plug & play sensor.
- designed for indoor use.
- steel enclosure for non-power sensors or non-IP sensors.
- custom color & logo options available.
- industrial grade.
- 0u rack, DIN rail, magnetic or wall mountable sensor.
- plugs into the base unit.
- powered by the base unit (PoE, 12v DC, optionally 24v or -48v)
- alerts via SNMP Traps, email or SMS.
- out of the box integration via Modbus TCP, SNMP.
- optional integration via MQTT for Industrial IoT applications1New feature.
- optional integration via RS-485 enabling direct integration with your own gateway & controllers.2New feature

1Requires BASE-XXX-6
2Some sensors are not available in RS-485 native versions. In that case RS-485 is available using the optional Modbus RTU module.
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H2S Monitoring
with InfraSensing's ENV-GAS-H2S sensor
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a corrosive gas that can slowly impact critical systems in a data center. H2S is a naturally occurring gas that is found in many different types of environments, including oil and gas fields, landfills, and sewage treatment plants.

H2S from the open air can get into a data center through a variety of means, such as through vents, air conditioning systems, and even through small cracks in the building's foundation. Once inside, H2S can have a significant impact on the cooling systems in a data center. The gas can corrode metal surfaces, including those found in air conditioning units, and can also damage rubber and plastic components. This can lead to reduced efficiency in the cooling systems and even complete failure.

The consequences of H2S impacting cooling systems can be severe. Reduced cooling efficiency can lead to increased temperatures inside the data center, which can in turn lead to equipment failure and data loss. This is why it is so important to monitor H2S gas levels in data centers.

H2S can also impact servers and other IT equipment. The gas can corrode metal components, damage electronic circuit boards, and damage or destroy data storage devices. The consequences of H2S impacting servers and other IT equipment can also be severe, including equipment failure, data loss, and even complete system shutdown.

The real-time H2S gas sensors from InfraSensing provide an effective way to monitor for H2S in data centers. These sensors can detect even small amounts of H2S gas, and can send an alert to data center staff when gas levels reach a certain threshold. This allows for quick response and preventative measures to be taken before the gas can cause any damage.

In summary, H2S is a corrosive gas that can slowly impact critical systems in a data center. It can enter data center through various ways and impact cooling systems, servers, and other IT equipment, leading to equipment failure, data loss and even complete system shutdown. Monitoring H2S gas levels in data centers is crucial, real-time H2S sensors from InfraSensing are a good solution to detect H2S and prevent any damage.
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calibration & bump testing
Prior to shipping every gas sensor is manually tested in our lab against calibrated gas.

For bump testing we offer the optional SPARE-GAS-BUMP adapter which is mounted on to the sensor. It enables you to self test the sensor at intervals to ensure its operation within your own safety & operational requirements. Do note that each bump test impacts the sensor life span and accuracy. Incorrect bump testing may permanently damage the sensor.
hydrogen bump gas testing
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modular architecture
hydrogen gas sensor architecture
A modular architecture enabling you to integrate it with your on-premises monitoring systems using IP based industrial protocols like Modbus TCP and SNMP. Optional add-on to connect sensor data to a Modbus RTU controller. With our optional and special firmware the base unit can connect to a MQTT provider of your choice.

With the output controls of the SensorHub, the system can on its own take corrective actions when threshold levels have been detected. For example you can start a fan as soon as a specific is detected.